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We did it in Japan and Germany
We can destroy terrorism in Iraq, thus truly winning the Peace. We did it before in Germany and Japan after World War II.  We handled them so well that Americans have forgotten the loathing we once felt toward those nations, how savage they were. These nations are both among the top ten economic powerhouses of the world. More important, they are trustworthy and honest. We like and admire them now.
In March, 2007, we are using different methods in Iraq, not what worked. And we are losing. Terrorism increases, and America is losing patience. This situation must be handled fast, or we will leave Iraq. Terrorism will be what pushed us out, therefore a successful tactic. So terrorism will increase and ultimately millions, or even billions will die. The economics of the whole world will be disrupted by a monstrous few.
To turn the situation around, we need to contact the GIs who were there AFTER World War II, and get their stories into every type of magazine and newspaper we can, from politics to fishing, so that everywhere one turns around, one sees what worked. This will build understanding from the bottom to the top. All America will know what needs to be done, our resolve will return and we will do it and win.